We’re just starting.

(Open letter from the founder)

There is really not much to say and this website will be “under construction” while we prepare to launch our first project - humankind works.

We’re committed to build a future that we want to live in - a future that is kind to all the living beings of this planet - homo sapiens sapiens included.

And whatever we do, we need to do this now - this decade is decisive for you, for us, for our children, and for all living beings in this planet.

There is nothing extraordinary about us. We’re just like you - unless other species have learned to read and have a computer with wifi.

We get anxious every time we watch the news - climate emergency, wars, and the overall current state of things.

And we got tired of hearing that tiny little voice asking why things can’t be better - so we’re making them better because we can.

We feel powerless out of habit. But each and everyone of us is more powerful, capable and resourceful than we give ourselves credit for.

And we also forget that most of us actually want the same thing: that at the end of the day we can get home knowing our loved ones are alive, healthy and safe.

We also want our lives to have some sort of meaning.

Because you see, despite what it might appear, human beings are inherently good and when there is so much disconnection with that essence of ours it’s only natural that we feel this way.

So yeah - you’re not alone. And neither are we! ^_^

Let’s be constructive optimists then. Together.

Let’s refuse to watch things unfold and do nothing about it.

Let’s refuse to absorb the distorted view of our fellow humans as selfish, powerless and incapable. We’re so much more than that.

Survival of the fittest is a cruel and outdated myth perpetrated by negligent media and by those who don’t rely on evidence-based facts.

Actually, our species survived because we worked together and accelerated our growth by learning with each other quickly (and there is proof).

Again, our goal is the same - humans are inherently good.

We’ll be here doing our thing and support others with their things. We hope you do the same.

This is not the time to give up. This is the time to do good.

And when you do that good, you’ll finally feel like yourself again. And that human essence of yours will become your and our legacy.